It is said that Donald Trump prepared for his run at POTUS when he became an icon of Reality TV. This may be why he has acquired a voice that reverberates with the silent majority. Sure, he has the tea partyers in his back pocket. But he has also convinced the fence-straddlers that he can make the "trains run on time."
He's a total outsider and he can honestly condemn government policies of the last two decades. And it's true that expectations for most folks have turned south over the last decades. People want more than feeble excuses from politicians.
Trump has folks believing he can bring back the "American Dream" by waving his magic wand. Sure, it's all monkey shit. But not enough people want to do the research, examine the facts and make rational judgments. Clinton thinks she can count on the female vote. Think again. Those women who read romances featuring billionaires with six-pack abs never listen to the words. They go by body language and respond to decisive authority figures telling them what to do. Easier than thinking for themselves.
Back when I was in high school (around the Cuban Missile crisis... ha!), the social science teacher explained the Russian so-called democracy. "Everyone can vote, but there's only one candidate." In the USA today everyone can vote, but there are only two candidates. Both of them richer than sin. One says his tax returns are nobody's business. The other wants to create a secret cabal using her private emails. Both are honest as seven-dollar bills.
The world's bastion of democracy is threatening to hold an election where voters have no choice whatsoever. And whose fault is that?