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I have self-published three books (print & eBook) in the Cool Assassins series. I seek greater exposure with an established publishing house and help with converting my books for the audio medium.
"Woke: Cool Assassins 1" is character driven. Jenna Marov is introduced as a prodigal aerial acrobat. But the narrative focuses on Nyssa Persson who must transition from a high-class call girl to earning a place in a security outfit, noted for its excellence and prowess in martial arts. Nyssa struggles with training sessions and tries to get beyond her PTSD.
"Hot Wheels: Cool Assassins 2" features a daring attack on a clandestine meeting of seven CEOs of the largest transnational corporations. These business execs exert more influence than nation states and more influence than trade blocks. Their under-the-table power rivals global-wide institutions such as the UN, WTO, WHO, World Court, etc.
___Jenna climbs Petronas Tower 2 and delivers a potentially lethal smoke bomb. She escapes via paraglider and rendezvous with JoAnna, an experienced taxi driver, who races Jen and herself through the streets of Kuala Lumpur. The narrative consists of their hair-raising escape via a Humvee and features a brutal satire of capitalism as practiced nowadays.
___In contrast there are several scenes about a traditional fishing village. Two teenagers are introduced: Raven Rocksong and Jade Runner. They become the sole survivors of a tragic shipwreck.
"Afterlife: Cool Assassins 3" features Dog Breakfast co-op in a police procedural as they pursue a rapist murderer down the westcoast to LA, Tijuana and Quito, Ecuador where they must subdue the rapist's handlers, capture him and haul him back to Tsawwassen, the scene of his crimes.
___The back story examines the future of education. Jade Runner enrolls in Tsawwassen's crèches, whereas Raven must recover injuries in orbit, after which she's tutored (home-schooled) by JoAnna.
The Cool Assassins series dramatizes a socioeconomic experiment, circa 2070s. Such a tale has never before appeared in human discourse. SOAR goes beyond Marx and incorporates the visionary ideas of Lewis Mumford, James Blish and Nada Nozaki, among many others. In many ways Cool Assassins is a kind of blue print for a true democracy where women and men have equal opportunities to live their lives to the fullest.
___This is no pie in the sky. The characters are vivid, and the thematic ideas balanced and plausible.
I believe serious narratives deserve wider exposure in public media, rather than being lost amid dystopia fantasies and sugar-coated romances that thrive as "best sellers" on Amazon KDP.
Dog Breakfast is a covert SOAR co-op that works in conjunction with POE to ensure fair play. Its members include (from youngest to oldest):
Nyssa (Sis) Persson, rundog, AI consultant;
Meghan (Meg) Getzler, orange belt, dataroom geek;
Subira (Subie) Herren, orange belt, dataroom super;
Kavita (Kav) redbelt, Fingar's understudy;
Fingar (Fing) white belt, lead hacker;
Marija (Mar) brownbelt, scout;
Shepp, rundog, weapon's instructor;
Jenna (Jen/Pix) Marov, rundog, acrobat, climber;
Griswold (Griz) rundog, strength specialist;
JoAnna (Jo) rundog, ex-taxi driver;
Makoto (Mack) rundog, master of martial arts;
Naïlah (Nigh) former rundog, Timekeeper;
Absen (Abb) Ho, rundog, Cook's partner, deceased;
Ahab (Cook) Ho, rundog, founder, top dog. Back.
Tsawwassen is a futuristic metropolis (urban plexus) suspended over the Fraser River delta in former British Columbia, Canada. The name may also refer to the quasi-province or Tsawwassen Coastal Preserve (TCP). Back.